Outcast of Israel

mormons for Jesus

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God Talks to Outcasts (Gen.41)

“And Joseph said unto Pharaoh, The dream of Pharaoh is one: God hath shewed Pharaoh what he is about to do.”

~Genesis 41:25


(image credit)

Since I’m fairly confident that my grandmother will never read this, I want to tell a quick story about old Grandma Betty. I was over at her house one evening visiting, and we got to talking about Church. She is a very devout LDS member (Mormon) and was telling me about a friend of hers from another Christian faith.

“My friend told me that they prayed for someone to be healed, and that person in their congregation recovered. She said it was a miracle. I wondered how I was supposed to tell her that obviously it was not.”

Excuse me?

When I asked Grandma Betty why it wasn’t a miracle that the sick got healed from the prayers of faithful followers of Christ, she just said that they weren’t ‘Mormon’ so how is it possible?

This is what I wish I would have said to dear Grandma:

Mormons, or any Christians or anyone of any faith, does not have a monopoly on God. They do not have a say on who God gets to talk to. He is God, He talks to whoever He damn well wants to talk to.

At least, these were my thoughts as I was reading about Joseph interpreting Pharaoh’s dreams. Sure, God could have given Pharaoh these dream-vision with the sole purpose of getting Joseph out of jail and exalted to a high position of authority, cause that happened. But it could be that God was blessing Pharaoh because Pharaoh is one of His sons, and deserving of interaction with his Father. God talking to him surely blessed his life just as much as it did Joseph’s.

I know that I’ve said it again and again, but can it really be said too much? God loves all his children, and even people outside of the covenant He will bless and interact with and provide miracles for. We don’t get a say in who God does and doesn’t love. And He made his opinion pretty clear when He sacrificed His own beloved Son for every single person that has or ever will live.